Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Target Chaia Moccasins

Open site Loux Design + Contest

Today I'll tell you about a nice jewelry designer named Marylou . I e-met last fall by ordering two of his creations ( true story). So I have two beautiful little rings signed Loux creation!

Frankly, I do love them and leave them more. But it will did not notice it may be because I'm rarely pictures of my jewelry and even less of my rings for the simple reason that I absolutely do not photogenic hands. And do not tell me "but no, I'm sure you have pretty hands" or "they're crazy hand is a hand!" before seeing it . You can laugh, it's a fact, I curled the ends and plump hands that you want? But the other fact is that I wear my ring Looooooooooux I love. And Na! Or how to prove A + B + MaMainMoche I never left my jewelry Loux.

But back on topic. Today, Loux Design opens its new site with an e-shop more clear and practical. And to celebrate, from 24/02 to 03/03, you can expect to benefit from 15% off entire store with the code "WELCOME" .

And that's not all! There is also a small jewelry to win here.


To earn this pin, simply leave a comment.
Contest Ends Friday 25 at midnight!


As for me I'll be back very soon for the look, the video contest ...
Have a good weekend. Chloe xx

EDIT: Leave a valid email address if you do not have a blog, story that I can contact you;) Thanks!

EDIT: It terminéééééééééé!


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